Sunday, 27 April 2014

spring 2014

Good Morning
    I hope you are all enjoying the small spring flowers and buds poking their heads up through the ground and from tree branches. I am!

  A quick summary of workshops.
1. The Song Circle at the Sutton Yoga Center will be finishing in the middle of May for the summer. I will be starting them up again in September. Please check the Song Circles page of my website for more information on format.

2. It is in the air that I am starting a performing Gospel Choir in the fall of 2014. It will take on 'bigger' pieces of music than the song circle and be in rehearsal mode for performance. The performances will be rhythmic and interactive with the audience. Let me know if you are interested!

3. I just finished teaching Clairvoyant Training 11 and probably will teach 111 in the early Fall. I have had quite a few people contact me who are interested in Clairvoyant Training l. I will probably launch that in the Fall. Check my website for the details on the courses.

4. I am heading off to Halifax in the beginning of June to sing in duo in a concert with Holly Arsenault - the fabulous jazz pianist. Hallelujah!  We will be doing the African American Singing Workshop in Halifax as well. She will be accompanying on piano which sounds pretty enticing to me!

5.  The African American Singing Workshop will happen again at the Sutton Yoga Center in July/2014. Not sure of the date yet. The last one in March was a real joy!  I love those days.
That's all for now. Let me know if you have questions.
I wish you all peace. Thank you for checking my blog

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